We calibrate our blades with a cut system, so what does a Diatech ‘cut’ represent?
A Diatech cut represents one cut in a 7.5N concrete building block, therefore an 800 [...]
How is Diatech helping the construction industry to achieve net zero?
Diatech’s high quality durable products last longer and cut faster, so the saws use less [...]
What’s the benefit of using Hycon hydraulic equipment?
Hycon hydraulic equipment is extremely reliable, with minimal HAV (Hand Arm Vibration), low noise application [...]
What equipment should I use for cutting and drilling underwater?
Diatech is a Hycon distributor, supplying a range of hydraulic saws, hydraulic core drills and [...]
What petrol saw would I purchase to drive Diatech’s diamond blades?
If you want a 100mm depth of cut, we recommend the Stihl TS410 12” (300mm), [...]
Why should I choose Diatech?
After three decades of successful trading, Diatech is now one of the UK’s premium diamond [...]
I need a metal cutting blade that gives a consistent depth of cut without it wearing down and reducing in diameter. What blade should I use?
We would recommend our VB10 Vacuum Brazed Diamond Blade. This vacuum brazed, thin blade is [...]
How can HAVs (hand arm vibration) be prevented?
HAVs can be prevented by working within the specified HSE guidelines for tools and using [...]
Get a Pizz-a the action this week when you spend £350
With World Pizza Day fast approaching on February 9th we thought we’d get a pizz-a [...]